Mental Prisons
A Self-Help Book for Nobody
Coming in 2023 from Stairway Press

Imposter Syndrome
and Fear of Success
As a creator, I was constantly fighting my emotions.
“You’re a failure.”
“You’re a loser.”
“You’ll never succeed.”
I even made decisions that intentionally limited success opportunities: quitting two once-in-a-lifetime jobs, deleting videos as they went viral, and more.
Mental Prisons shares the dozens of tactics I used over several decades that helped me stop feeling like an idiot all the time.

Some Interviews
“You are worthy.”
When my mentor told me that I am “worthy,” I shuddered. But he was right. That’s the truth about me and the truth about you, too.
Too many people hate on themselves so unnecessarily. I have interviewed hundreds of people, including some of the world’s most creative, brilliant, and successful musicians.
Even they suffer from mental imprisonment.
It feels impossible to overcome, but it really isn’t.
I don’t have the answers. You do.
There are no prescriptions in Mental Prisons. Just stories about my life, including the questions I asked myself and the ways I found answers to them.
I can’t convince anyone to change their life, but I hope my own stories can serve as motivation that it’s possible, realistic, and achievable.
It all starts with the realization that feelings aren’t something we can easily control, but we can control whether we listen to them and give them credence.
Comics, Illustrations, Stories, and more
Just because the book is about a very serious topic doesn’t mean it can’t be fun. Rather than drone on and on like a normal self-help book, I hired cartoonist Stefan Gasic to illustrate the points of the book.