Failure to Fracture: Learning King Crimson’s Impossible Song
“There’s something about us humans that thrives on heroic dedication and accomplishment in any field, and those attributes are boldly on display in Anthony Garone’s epic book Failure to Fracture.”
“Anthony Garone’s Failure to Fracture is a success story”
“The best story of the long path of craftsmanship I have come across.”
“This book is a game changer. It delivers a detailed insight into a ‘secret’ world that is hardly ever being discussed in popular culture.”
Listen to Anthony’s interview with the BBC (Skip to 26:30). And here’s a 3,000-word review in All About Jazz.
Failure to Fracture documents my 22-year journey to play King Crimson’s song Fracture, one of the most difficult songs ever written for the electric guitar. The song’s composer, Robert Fripp, says, “Fracture is impossible to play.” Learning Fracture required that I re-learn how to play guitar, sit, stand, and breathe after spending a week in rural Mexico learning specific techniques from Robert and his guitar buddies.
This book was exquisitely designed by Dave Woodruff.
The book is based on the popular video series, which has received over 400,000 views as of this writing. It features content from several guests including:
Gabriel Riccio, transcriptionist of the King Crimson transcription books
Michael Hacker, martial arts instructor
Alex Anthony Faide, one of the few guitarists who can play Fracture
Steve Ball, leader of many Guitar Circle-related events/groups/collectives in Seattle
Markus Reuter, inventor of the Touch Guitar
Trey Gunn, former touch guitarist for King Crimson
Pat Mastelotto, drummer for King Crimson
Sid Smith, biographer for King Crimson and well-known “prog” writer
Ricardo Odriozola, professional violinist in Norway
Tony Geballe, Guitar Craft/Circle instructor/expert
Pre-Release Reviews
“The insight in this book goes beyond simply learning to play an impossible song... it provides a roadmap for how to live your best life.”
“Art and athleticism coalesce in Garone’s struggle to improve as a musician and human being. Failure to Fracture is admirable, elegant, and beautifully presented.”
“Failure to Fracture is a revelation. This wonderful book has not only brought me closer to understanding and playing Fracture on my guitar, but also helped me to see that the same disciplines within can be applied to everyday life. Essential reading for anyone that wants to conquer their guitar and the world!”
“With ‘Failure to Fracture’, Anthony Garone provides guitar players a very personal user guide to improving their playing, whether they decide to tackle Fracture or not. The transcriptions, techniques and experiences shared in this beautifully put together book can certainly help you improve as a guitarist, with life-lessons that even a drummer like me was able to take to heart and apply! Enjoyable and inspirational!”
“Failure to Fracture is more than just an instructional tome. It’s a life-affirming, step-by-step guide to the personal development of Anthony Garone and how that enabled him to perform the “impossible” piece “Fracture” after many years of dedicated work. Though mostly for interested musical people, the life lessons are applicable to everyone and are quite thought-provoking, in and of themselves.”
More Information
Published by Stairway Press in March 2021.
Printed in full-color, photo quality on 8.5”x11” 70 lb. paper.
Purchase at
This book is not ordinary. It is very large and uniquely designed.
Every page in this book has a different layout. Clocking in at over 300 pages, there are over 150 unique layouts expertly designed by Dave Woodruff, a design industry veteran from Phoenix, AZ.
You will not see another book like this.

Watch me Perform Fracture and FraKctured by King Crimson
Here’s my performance of Robert Fripp’s “impossible to play” composition, Fracture, from King Crimson’s 1974 album, Starless and Bible Black.
And here’s my performance of the even more difficult “sequel” composition, FraKctured.