Make Weird Music shines a light on the world’s most creative musicians

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MWM’s Most Popular Content
Alex Lifeson Live Interview
In January 2021, we interviewed Alex Lifeson, best known as the guitarist for the band Rush. It was the 25th anniversary of his solo record Victor and the 40th anniversary of Rush’s album Moving Pictures.
Honestly, I had no idea how popular Rush was and this video alone, plus its excerpts, yielded more than half a million views on the channel.
Fracture is Impossible to Play
This is the video that led to the potential reality of the Failure to Fracture book. It became popular about a year after I published it, which was a big surprise. The idea that this video has more than 100K views is astonishing to me.
Steve Vai 2015 Interview
This is the video that got me my first 1,000 subscribers. A fairly monumental interview if you ask me. I can’t tell you how many people have told me that this interview changed their lives. Definitely worth watching multiple times.
Frank Zappa Hologram Tour Mini-Doc
I got exclusive permission to film interviews with Ahmet Zappa and other musicians about the Frank Zappa hologram tour. The idea was so controversial, I got a lot of heat for even releasing this video. It was definitely one that thickened my skin.
Michael Manring Hyperbass
Michael’s bass invention does not get enough attention. He literally invented one of the most ridiculous and complex basses ever and very few people have featured it on their channel.
Devin Townsend Interview
Devin is a special musician and he invited me to his apartment in Vancouver to talk to him about his free book on creativity, his album Empath, and some other new gear he had coming out. It was a great time.
Follow MWM on Social Media and stuff
It turns out that the world is full of people who like weird music. Who knew?
I started Make Weird Music in March 2014 after years of failing to get anywhere as a solo musician. Every week, my website analytics showed 0 views, no matter how much I spent on fancy music gear.
So, I shifted my focus to write about weird music that I love: Steve Vai, King Crimson, Gentle Giant, and The Residents. Turns out, I wasn’t alone.
The channel grew quickly and here we are today. Ten years later, it has 24K subscribers on YouTube and thousands of followers on each social media platform.
Meet the Team
Andre Cholmondeley
GuitarTour.net · Twitter · Instagram · YouTube
Andre is the guitar tech for Steve Howe (Yes), Adrian Belew (David Bowie, King Crimson, Frank Zappa), and formerly Greg Lake (Emerson Lake & Palmer, King Crimson).
He hosts two shows on MWM: Confronting Creativity and The Gear Spotlight.
Cedric Hendrix
CirdecSongs.com · Twitter · Instagram · Facebook
Cedric is the Chicago-based author of I Can’t Be The Only One Hearing This: A Lifetime of Music Through Eclectic Ears.
He does artist interviews and album reviews for MWM.
Colter McCorkindale
McCorkindale.com · Twitter · Instagram
Colter is a tip-top guitarist based in Brooklyn with great taste in music.
He will be posting about really interesting and undiscovered bands on MWM’s social media.